Reducing Fleet Costs
Reducing fleet costs doesn’t have to complicated. Trakm8 has a range of solutions proven to help fleets become more efficient and reduce overall operational costs.
Achieving Fleet Compliance
As a fleet manager, there’s not only a duty of care for your fleet, but there are also various legal obligations to ensure your fleet is compliant with any rules and regulations.
Improving Fleet Driver Safety
All organisations which own or operate vehicles have a duty of care to not only their drivers but also other road users. Trakm8 has a range of telematics systems and solutions proven to help improve road and fleet safety.
Improving Driver Behaviour
For any sized fleet, improving driver behaviour can seem like an all time-consuming, complicated task. However, with Trakm8s fleet management solutions, you can achieve improved driver performance easily.
Cutting Carbon Emissions
When looking at a fleet as a whole, fleet managers will always have reducing greenhouse gas emissions as a key priority. Here at Trakm8, we understand that cutting carbon emissions can seem like a big task, therefore we have a range of solutions which can help you achieve just that.
Managing Business/private Mileage
Expenses and benefits forms such as P11D’s can be very time consuming, especially when this includes business trip mileage reimbursement on vehicles also used for personal journeys. Differentiating and monitoring business/personal mileage can be made simple and straightforward. Trakm8 have various solutions which can help P11D management.
Reduce Insurance Premiums
Reducing fleet insurance premiums is usually a key priority for fleet managers as it can be very costly depending on the vehicles within the fleet. Here at Trakm8, we have various solutions which can help you reduce overall fleet insurance costs.